Chinese History
World History

He Youzu

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Name: He Youzu(何有祖)   

Title: Associate Professor

E-mail: heyouzu2005@163.com

Tel: (86)15327150698


Current position

Since December 2012 Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Wuhan


Previous position

July 2009 –December 2012 lecturer, Department of History, University of Wuhan


Academic part-time:

Editor of the “Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts” website (bsm.org.cn) hosted by Wuhan University

Executive Editor of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts Chinese periodical (October 2011-August 2012, September 2015- August 2016)


Degrees and post-doctoral qualification

September 2012–August 2013, post-doctoral, the inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty, University of Chicago.

July 2009 PhD, Unearthed Historical Documents, University of Wuhan; Dissertation title: A Preliminary Study of the Tianzi jianzhou Chu Bamboo Slips 上博簡天子建州初步研究. 

July 2005 MA, Paleography, Legal documents of Qin and Han Dynasties, University of Wuhan; Dissertation title: Interpretation of several Chapters in the Er nian lǜ Ling Manuscript from the Zhang Jiashan Han Bamboo Slips張家山漢簡二年律令諸章集釋.

July 2002 BA, Chinese History, Chinese Archaeology, University of Wuhan        


Specialty: Unearthed documents and the history of the Qin and Han dynasties


Research Funding:

1.Research on "Guoyu" of Literature in Warring States Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts 12YJC770021, Fund of Ministry Education of PR. China. (As a project leader)                                                                                 

2. Research on “Guoyu" Literature in Warring States, Qin and Han Period Bamboo-slip Manuscripts12CZS008, National Fund of Social Science of PR. China. (As a project leader)   

3.Integrated Research on Five Unpublished Caches of Chu Bamboo-slip Manuscripts Excavated in Hubei10&ZD089,National Fund of Social Science of PR. China. (As a Member)

4. Comprehensive Editing and Research Of Qin Bamboo-slips Manuscripts08JZD0036, Fund of Ministry of Education of PR. China. (As a Member)



(Only a selection of my major essays are listed below):

1.First author, Annotated Transcriptions for the Liye Qin Slips (Volume One) 里耶秦簡牘校釋(第一卷). Wuhan: Wuhan University Press武漢大學出版社, 2012.

2. Youzu He, “Reading Notes on the Western Han Bamboo Slips Discovered from the Nanyue Kingdom Palace Site.” Archaeology 考古 1 (2010),78-80

3. Youzu He,  “Comments on the Yonguue 用曰 Text in the Sixth Volume of the Shanghai Museum Collection of Chu Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts.” Archaeology and Cultural Relics考古與文物 5 (2010),94-96.  

4. Youzu He,  “Three Notes on the Rishu  Daybook among the Jiudian Chu Bamboo Slips.” Jiang Han Archaeology 3 (2012),124-126

5. Youzu He, “Reading Notes on the Kongzi Jian Ji Huanzi孔子季桓子 Manuscript in the Shanghai Museum Collection of Chu Bamboo Slips.” Research on Chinese Writing中國文字研究 16 (2012),76-79.

6.Youzu He,“A Preliminary Study on the Textual Structure of the Wu Wang Jian Zuo 武王踐阼 Manuscript in the Shanghai Museum Collection of Chu Bamboo Slips.” Journal of Humanities人文論叢 2012 edition (2013),355-362.

7. Youzu He, “Interpretation of the Phrase ‘Lijinsui利津’ Seen in Qin and Han Period Bamboo-slip  Manuscripts.” Research on Unearthed Documents出土文獻研究 12 (2013) ,181-187.

8. Youzu He, “Seven Notes on Re-piecing the Liye里耶Qin Slips.” Bamboo and Silk Manuscript Research 簡帛 9 (2014),183-190.

9. Youzu He, “Four Notes on Re-piecing the Liye里耶Qin Slips.” Bamboo and Silk Manuscript Research 簡帛研究 2014 edition (2014),52-58.

10. Youzu He, “Three Notes on the Liye里耶Qin Slips (Part One).” Research on Unearthed Documents出土文獻研究 14 (2015),109-115.

11.Youzu He, “Five Notes on the Liye里耶 Qin Slips.” Research on Unearthed Documents出土文獻研究 15 (2016),106-111.


Conferences, talks, and presentations

     “An Interpretation of the Liye Qin Slips ‘8-650+8-1462’ and Related Issues”, paper presented at the “Unearthed Documents and Material Culture Seminar” in the Fifth Session of the Unearthed Documents Forum for Young Scholars, Sponsored by Hong Kong Baptist University School of Chinese, Hong Kong Kowloon, July 27- 30, 2016.

“The importance of The character of ‘gan’ in Re-piecing of Three groups of Liye Qin Slips”, paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on ancient Chinese characters and ancient history and the second youth Forum on ancient writing, Sponsored by Institute of history and language of the Central Research ,Taipei, January 24-30,2016  

“Two notes on the silk manuscripts ‘Chunqiu Shiyu’”, paper presented at the International Symposium “the review and Prospect of the research on the characters of the Warring States Period”, Sponsored by Unearthed documents and ancient writing research center of Fudan University, Shanghai, December 11-13, 2015.

“Two Notes on the Liye Qin Slips”, paper presented at the International Symposium “The second session of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty unearthed literature and academic new horizons”, Sponsored by Chinese Department of Taiwan University, Taipei, October 17-18, 2015.

“New progress in research of Liye Qin Slips --On the Use of ‘Width’ as a Criterion for Re-piecing the Liye Qin Slips”, invited talks at the Hubei Provincial Institute of Social Sciences, Chu History Division, October 22, 2015.


Courses taught

“Chinese historical documentsfall semester2015

“Ancient Chinese”fall semester2015

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2015

“Chinese historical documentsfall semester2014

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2014

“Chinese historical documentsfall semester2014

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2014

“Chinese historical documentsfall semester2013

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2012

“Chinese historical documentsfall semester2011

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2011

“Chinese historical documentsfall semester2010

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2010

“Inscriptions on oracle bone and bronze vessels”spring semester2009

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