Doctoral Cultivation Plan
Master Cultivation Plan
Undergraduate Cultivation Plan

The Cultivation Plan of M.A. Students Specialized in Chinese History Program

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I. The Aim of Cultivation  

The objective of this specialty program is to produce a new, creative type of talented person who has physical and psychological well-being and with full development of morality, wisdom, physique and aesthetics, who has a good moral character and professional quality, and is a law-biding citizen. Qualified graduates of this program are expected to be equipped with frontier historical theory, systematic fundamental knowledge and strong specialized skills of archaeology, who has good command of a foreign language and fulfill the ability to conduct independent teaching, research, management or other work as a professional and applied talent.

II. The Directions of Research

1. Chinese Palaeolithic Archaeology
Study the evolution, behavior, technology, and relation between the culture and the environment of the ancient human through the information collected from the excavated underground objects.

2. Chinese Neolithic Archaeology

Study the process of prehistoric agricultural society to civil society on the basis of archaeological work.

3. Shang and Zhou Dynasties Archaeology

Study the social production, living and cultural aspects of Shang and Zhou dynasties based on archaeological material.

4. Chu Culture Archeology

Study the development of the unique Chu civilization, and its contribution to Chinese civilization with archaeological theory and method.

5. Qin and Han Dynasties Archeology

Study the basic content and features of Qin and Han dynasties archaeological culture and its history through the research of the remains of Qin and Han dynasties.

6. Six Dynasties - Song Dynasties Archaeology

Study the material and spiritual culture of the period from its city, religious relics, tombs, remains of handicraft and cultural relics, and integrate the archeology theories and methods, history, ethnology and other related disciplines to reveal the historical process of China's feudal society.

7. Chinese Ancient Ceramics Research

Study the Division and stage, cultural exchanges, production systems of ancient ceramics in China, using the archeological theory and methods, history and natural science, to explore the perspective of ancient Chinese handicraft economy.

8. Science and Technology Archaeology

Study the use of the natural sciences to the ancient physical remains, to analysis the relationship between man and nature as well as the ancient history of mankind.

. Duration of Study

The normal duration for M.A. students is normally three years with a ceiling of four academic years. The minimum term for students who are eligible for early graduation is two years.

. Course and Credit Requirements

The credits that M.A. students in this program must fulfill are 42, among which credits for courses are no less that 30 (with 5 credits of public compulsory courses, 8 credits of core courses, no less than 4 credits of required courses of each direction and the rest will be credits for electives); credits for social practice project are 2 (graduate students in Contractual Programs can waive this part); 10 credits for degree thesis.

Students graduated from another subject or have an equivalent education level are required to take at least 2 complementary courses and get qualified scores. These courses cannot be applied to the 42 credits requirement.

V. Degree Thesis

A. Thesis Topic Selection

M.A. students choose topic of degree thesis under the instruction of the advisor. Thesis topics should be in the field of subject frontier, original and novel in theory and methods. Degree thesis is required to have a clear viewpoint, clarity of thought, smooth writing, solid evidence and rigorous style.

B. Thesis Proposal

After deciding on the thesis topic, students begin to write thesis proposal and make a report to the committee members of his/her direction of research. The proposal report should be made no later than the seventh week of the fifth semester and the number of committee members attending this report should be no less than 3 (including the main advisor). Students can begin to collect materials and write the thesis only after discussion with the committee members and get their approval.

C. Thesis writing

Throughout the period of writing M.A. thesis, advisor should inspect the writing progress irregularly. After the completion of the thesis and being examined and approved by the committee, the thesis should send to two reviewers at least one month in advance of the thesis oral defense. The two thesis reviewers should have the title of associate professor or above (or equivalent) in the same field with the student. Only after the thesis being graded by the reviewers as qualified, students are eligible to the step of oral defence.

D. Qualification for Oral Defence

Students in this program should complete all the courses and meet the minimum requirement of credit, complete the step of social practice work and get involved in at least one research project under the instruction of advisor, attend at least 8 academic activities (including academic conferences in/outside of China and academic report), fill in the “Wuhan University’s Evaluation Form of Academic Activities and Practice Work of Academic M.A. student”, publish at least one academic paper in the journals above the provincial level or in a publicly published conference proceedings. This paper must be published by the student as the first author, affiliated to Wuhan University. Students apply for early graduation should complete all the courses in this cultivation plan, having an excellent grade for all the courses, and publish at least two papers as the first author and affiliated to Wuhan University in the journals listed in CSSCI (supplementary journals of CSSCI not eligible).

E. Defence of M.A. Thesis

The step of oral defence for M.A. thesis is normally completed before the end of May or November of each academic year. The oral defence committee consist at least 5 members.  With the approval of two-thirds or above majority of the committee members (including two-thirds), degree thesis is qualified to submit.

. Other Mandatory Steps

A. Practice Work

Field Practice: Students are obligated to participate in field archeology in the fourth semester, a total of 108 class hours, 6 credits. Related information should be filled in the “Evaluation Form of Academic Communication Activities and Practice Work for M.A. students at Wuhan University” and students should submit a summary report of the practice work. After being audited as qualified by the graduate school, the summary report scores 6 credits. Students cannot proceed to the thesis writing until the practice work is completed. (Targeted-area Students can waive the practice work.)

B. Mid-term Assessment

The mid-term assessment is normally held in the third semester and this program practice distributary training paradigms. Graduate students get assessed by committee members about their performance on learning and academic research. Students are graded by their previous performance and the committee may recommend any of the following: admit to the PhD program with waiver of entrance exam, continue the M.A. study or terminate from program without the M.A. degree.

. Cultivation Mode

This program adopt multiply modes of cultivation with a combination of tutor-responsible and committee advisor system. Normal duties of the advisor consist of: overall concern about the students’ ideological thoughts, moral characters and professional study; individualized teaching and to motivate students’ activity and consciousness; to strengthen students’ ability of self-learning, competence of conducting academic research, ability of oral express and writing. To ensure the quality of cultivation, advisors are required to hold high standard requirements and conduct regular inspections.

Course Catalog for M.A. Students Specialized in     Archaeology Program
